The value proposition and objectives @LAFS 2019 collaborating unique designs, showcasing international talent and leveraging the brands to its direct target market would be the key to all success at the LAFS 2019 night. Melbourne’s biggest brands, products and services will be all out to play on the biggest fashion platform of 2019.
For an exquisite show like LAFS, team has handpicked Peninsula of the Atlantic Group,Southbank which is inspired by London’s Tate Modern Museum and not to mention for the exclusive after party and dinner the team has chosen MAIA- Atlantic Group, Southbank which is pared back, rustic and striking.
This year LAFS will be studded with special appearances and performances by:
Bollywood Actress-Daisy Shah
Bollywood singer -Ali Quli Mirna
Bollywood Fashion Designer- Kirti Rathore
Also Australian celebrity -Dino Hira
There will be other performances by Local Australian talent and LAFS team is expecting a full house for the evening including audience, models, designers from all the communities because that’s what Australia is made of. LAFS has opened their arms for everyone including Plus size models as LAFS believes that you can’t put a size or number on talent.
It’s gonna be a gala night and Melbourne audience are super excited for this exclusive event. More than ten designers and over fifty models are expected to walk on the runway exactly how it happened in Sydney last year. It’s less than Two months to go!!
“Under Lakme Australia Fashion Show, we believe in quality than quantity, it’s going to be a very exclusive show with only limited number of attendees.”-Rose Dogra]]>